In the weight loss industry, celebrities always talk about how they stay slim, stay young, stay healthy.... Whether they've been paid to say so, I don't know.
However I've just come across some fasting quotes from some previous fasters. I don't think they've been paid to say what they said. Here they are:
"I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency."--Plato, 428-348 B.C., Greek student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle; helped lay foundations of Western philosophy
"The best of all medicines are rest and fasting." --Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790, American founding father, statesman and inventor (bifocal glasses, iron furnace stove and lightning rod)
"America badly needs to go on a diet. It should do something drastic about excessive, unattractive, life-threatening fat. It should get rid of it in the quickest possible way, and this is by fasting." --Allan Cott, M.D., author of Fasting-The Ultimate Diet
Intermittent Fasting Success Report - Fasting Quotes
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